Social Robotics - Accessibility - Children

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Arthur C. Clarke

About me

Hello, I am an Assistant Professor in Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon. I have a Computer Science PhD from IST - Technical Institute, University of Lisbon.

My research focused on novel experiences between mixed-ability children, exploring social development and group engagement within Human Robots Interactions, improving accessibility, and valuing individual abilities to create inclusive experiences.

With 20 + years of experience in senior leadership, design, business, people, and change in the IT and Telecommunications Industry, embraced several technical and management areas in Digital, Customer Operations, and IT. Collaborated with many talented people having a long experience in a customer-centric approach, leading design thinking methods and agile teams to build and develop personalized and ethical experiences in digital channels & assisted channels

I aim to leverage artificial intelligence, human-centered AI, and social robots to foster a more inclusive society and design exceptional experiences, products, and services with a strong societal purpose.

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Isabel Neto

I am curious, creative, energetic and reliable.

" We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done "

Alan Turing


01 01
Inclusion in

Fostering social engagement and participation for all children.

02 02
Creative and collaborative

Valuing the differences, openness to fail, co-creation, and joint knowledge production

03 03
Robots and
multimodal interfaces.

Augmenting classrooms with technologies that account students mixed visual abilities.

04 04

Involving stakeholders in a iterative process of ideation, prototyping and test.

" The secret of getting ahead is getting started "

Mark Twain

Related Publications

Investigating crossmodal correspondences between vibrotactile stimuli, colour, and emotions

Neto I.; Soares I.; Paiva A.; Nicolau H.

"Inclusion as a Process: Co-Designing an Inclusive Robotic Game with Neurodiverse Classrooms

Piedade P.; Neto I.; Pires A.; Prada R.; Nicolau H.

"Ethical Concerns whenWorking with Mixed-Ability Groups of Children

Henriques A.; Piedade P.; Rocha F.; Neto I.; Nicolau H.

"I'm Not Touching You. It's The Robot!": Inclusion Through A Touch-Based Robot Among Mixed-Visual Ability Children

Neto; Hu; Correia; Rocha; Buckmayer; Nogueira; Hoffman; Nicolau; Paiva (video)

Conveying Emotions through Shape-changing to Children with and without Visual Impairment

Neto I.; Hu Y.; Correia F.; Rocha F.; Hoffman G.; Nicolau H.; Paiva A. (video)

The Effects of Observing Robotic Ostracism on Children's Prosociality and Basic Needs

Correia, F.; Neto. I.; Paulo, S.; Piedade, P.; Erel, H.; aiva, A.; Nicolau,H.

"More-than-human Perspective on the Robomorphism Paradigm

Correia, F.; Neto, I.; Fortes-Ferreira, M.; Oogjes, D.; Almeida, T.

"The Robot Made Us Hear Each Other" Fostering Inclusive Conversations among Mixed-Visual Ability Children

Neto, I.; Correia, F.; Rocha, F.; Piedade, P.; Paiva, A.; Nicolau,H.

"Coding Together: On Co-located and Remote Collaboration between Children with Mixed-Visual Abilities (pdf)

Rocha, F. ; Neto, I.; Correia, F.; Pires, A.; Guerreiro, J.; Guerreiro, T.; Nicolau,H.

PartiPlay: A Participatory Game Design Kit for Neurodiverse Classrooms (pdf)

Piedade,P.; Neto,I.; Pires,A.; Prada,R.; Nicolau, H.

Co-designing a Bespoken Wearable Display for People with Dissociative Identity Disorder (pdf)

Piedade,P.; Matsus,N.; Rodrigues,C.; Cecilio,F.; Marques,A.; Rings of Saturn; Neto,I.; Nicolau, H. (video)

Touchibo: Multimodal Texture-Changing Robotic Platform for Shared Human Experiences (pdf)

Hu, Y.; Neto, I.; Ryu, J.; Shtarbanov, A.; Nicolau,H.; Paiva, A.; Hoffman, G. (video)

Inclusive'R'Stories: An Inclusive Storytelling Activity with an Emotional Robot (pdf)

Antunes, C; Neto, I; Correia, F; Nicolau, H; Paiva, A.

Fostering Inclusive Activities in Mixed-visual Abilities Classrooms using Social Robots

Neto, I.; Nicolau, H.; Paiva, A. (video)

Using tabletop robots to promote inclusive classroom experiences

Neto,I.; Johal,W.; Couto,M.; Nicolau,H.; Paiva,A.; Guneysu,A. (video)

" Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. "

Stephen Hawking

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